Sunday, March 2, 2008

Go Go Polaroid!

So I thought i would start a new set of blog posts that featured some of my favourite items on etsy. This idea came out of always checking the Treasury section and always missing the opportunity to create one... so i just decided why wait!

My first theme is based on the small sadness many of us face with the closing of all polaroid warehouses by the end of this year. So sad! Here are some great items based on the polaroid... not necessarily photographs using a polaroid camera... but items that have to do with the polaroid itself. This goes out to all you polaroid lovers out there!

Top Row:
Vital - SX-70 vinyl toilet graphic
Minorthread - mini felt polaroid brooch
bluecitrusart - branches

Bottom Row:
EliNOpus - Polaroid Magnets (collarobation with minorthread)
TheaCphotography - Three Sisters and Mom 5x7
interroband - Paris Skyline - Mini Polaroid Necklace on Velvet Cord

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