Thursday, September 8, 2011

My First Batch of Grape Jelly!

 I've been wanting to make grape jelly for years now and i finally built up the courage to attempt it this past long weekend. Thanks to my dear friend Lisa from Girl Can Create and her lovely family Dave and Max, we got a huge tray full of Concord grapes last week. Grown in the neighbourhood and ripe for the picking!

Here are a few pics of my first (and might i add... delicious) attempt at grape jelly. As for the recipe i used this one HERE on but i added 2 steps to the recipe. 1) after picking the grapes let them sit in a cool dark place for 4 days (Thanks for the tip Dave!)... and 2) i squeezed 3 tbsps of fresh lemon juice into the grape juice right before i started adding the sugar (i read that somewhere in another recipe and thought it sounded tasty). 
 Here's the first boil to extract the juice from the grapes. Jars in the background ready to be sterilized.
 Dripping out the grape juice for 2-3 hours. 
I have no patience, so by the end of the 2nd hour i squeezed out the rest.
 Boiling the juice a second time and adding in the massive amounts of sugar.
It looks so glassy and pretty at this point!
 Boiling the filled jars to seal them shut. This part blew my mind. I felt totally pro when i pulled out the jars and the lids were suctioned shut. Science is happening in my kitchen!
This is me sooooo stoked that i'm actually in the middle of making jelly!
 I started with enough grapes to fill one of those black plastic trays that you get at the garden center. I got about 5 cups of juice out of them, which ended up making 8 jars of jelly.
 The most delicious grape jelly i've ever tasted! YUM YUM!

*Lisa & Dave... I've got a jar with your names on it!

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