Saturday, December 22, 2007

First Time Blogger!

Well here goes... My first blog!

I was so thrilled this week when as I was flipping through some shops on Etsy I discovered that my shop was featured as a 'Fresh Shop' in The Storque!!

My jaw dropped and I'm still just so thrilled! I've been moving in baby steps to get some of my crafts into production and this boost is so appreciated! I'm really excited about moving forward with my crafts in the new year! I've got a few new ideas brewing that i'm going to work out over the holidays... so come back and and visit my etsy site to see what new designs I'm up to.

I've been on Etsy now for about a month and I've just enjoyed every minute of it. The community aspect is so wonderful and everyone is very entrepreneurial, informative, and supportive. I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year!
ok... here goes... about to hit post for the first time!


Connie said...

beware! blogging is addicting!

Donna Pool said...

You're off to a great start! Congratulations on the birth of your new blog!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new blog - and I remember seeing your 'kissy' piece and being struck by it.


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