Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's My Birthday!!!!!!

Yay! Today is the day! I'm now officially *Thirtysomething* and I'm loving it!

If today is your birthday! Horoscope for May 27, 2009
"Stop thinking about all the things that might, but probably won't, go wrong and start thinking about all the things that are sure to go right once you recognize that there are no limitations. Act as if all things are possible - and they will be."

"A positive realization is dawning on you. This year, you'll discover a way to seize the advantage, terminate some long-standing problems and get yourself on the road to success."

Above Image: original art card - a ray of light by Heather Smith Jones

Round Leaf Pendant by Megan Auman

Shout out to the celebs that share my birthday!
Andre 3000
Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez
Vincent Price
Jamie Oliver
Siouxsie Sioux

Go! Go! Gemini!
Yes Guy!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!!
have a great day and may all your wishes come true

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I sent your coasters in the mail yesterday so they will be a slightly belated gift :)

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